dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Swept away.

Sans doute l'une des photos avant/après les plus marquantes pour moi: 

La ville de Mantoloking, à 10 minutes de chez nous, a été ravagée par Sandy. Le site internet du borough (commune), en date du 2 novembre, avait publié ceci:

->> Official Notice <<-
Per order of the Mayor, the Mantoloking Police Department, and the New Jersey State Police, the town of Mantoloking is closed until further notice.
The town is unsafe at this time. There are gas leaks, contaminated water, downed wires, and structural hazards. For the safety of the emergency responders and for your own safety, please do not attempt to return to town.
All borders are guarded by police officers and National Guard, there are also roving patrols. Do not attempt to return to town, until you are notified to do so.

Ce message informe que la ville est fermée jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Vous avez bien lu. La ville
Je suis toujours prompte à commenter les événements, mais celui-ci me laisse sans voix.

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